We're Back!

Happy Pride Month! GAAMC is thrilled to announce that we are beginning to meet in person again! Beginning on Monday, June 7, we will be meeting at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, our home for the last 49ish years. While we were all locked down, quarantined, masked, and waiting to get jabbed a lot has happened. The Fellowship has resumed its multi-year, multi-phase construction project. The primary and secondary entrances to the building are temporarily unavailable while a new entrance is being constructed. This means we have to adapt, and we will. 

We plan to meet outside, in the parking lot on June 7 and June 14, weather permitting. If the weather doesn't permit, we will have a space inside the building to meet. 

If you're fully vaccinated (and by golly, we sure hope you are), you do not need to wear a mask. But, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, a tutu, a leather vest, or a pride hat, by all means, be our guest. If you're not fully vaccinated, please do wear a mask for your protection as well as your friends' safety. If we need to move our gathering indoors and you are not fully vaccinated, please let one of our Board members/organizers know. The fellowship asks that if anyone present is not vaccinated, that everyone in that group wear masks. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Because of the construction and because of the limited opening of the building, the only restroom that will be available will be the single, any-gender restroom on the first floor.  And, please note, the only way to the restroom DOES REQUIRE A SIGNIFICANT WALK AND CLIMBING STAIRS. If you are unable to walk on grass, gravel, or climb stairs, please make other arrangements. 

GAAMC will not be serving refreshments, but bringing food for yourself or sharing is allowed. 

We will NOT be collecting funds at the "door" but since we will resume paying rent, any donation you can make to help offset this expense would be greatly appreciated. You may Donate Here

Thank you, and we can't wait to see you! 

  • June 07, 2021 at 6:00pm – 9pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
  • Gordon Sauer


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  • Andy Skurna
    published this page in Home 2021-06-02 19:02:46 -0400