Online Security

Virtually every detail of our lives is online, whether we put it there or someone else did. Once upon a time, all we needed to keep ourselves safe was basic computer security software. As more and more of the world's data is stored online, the honey pot becomes sweeter and sweeter for nefarious entities. We're no longer talking about teams of scammers in Nigeria sending out email spam from cyber cafes, but the biggest and most trusted corporations in the world are making a killing off the information we share, or allow them to steal. 

GAAMC's webmaster, Andy Skurna, who has been using computers since the 1970s (as an infant, of course!), will share some tips, tricks, and resources to help us become safer and wiser online shoppers, surfers, and better cyber citizens. 

RSVP for this event by sending an email to [email protected] and include the date of this event (3/10/21), so we can send you the link.  

SPECIAL NOTE: This online event will be open to the general public, like most GAAMC events. That means you should expect to be in the company of people of all sexual orientations, including yours. 

  • March 10, 2021 at 5:00pm – 7pm
  • Andy Skurna

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  • Andy Skurna
    published this page in Home 2021-03-07 13:43:55 -0500