LGBT History Quiz Night

We are planning to have a great time to close out Pride Month at GAAMC.  Doors will open at 6:30 pm.  From 7:00 - 8:00, Sherr will lead our Open Talk discussion.  There is a good chance someone may bring up "Pride" as our topic.  

After a short intermission, Liz Slicer will host an LGBT History Quiz.  We have plenty to be proud of, and we bet there is even more than you know (or remember.)  Come out to GAAMC for fun, facts, and fellowship!  

Mia Konda Gordon Sauer Mark Wydner

Who's RSVPing

Mia Konda
Gordon Sauer
Mark Wydner

Will you come?

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  • Mia Konda
    rsvped +4 2023-02-14 16:29:37 -0500
  • Gordon Sauer
    rsvped 2018-06-24 00:02:27 -0400
  • Mark Wydner
    rsvped 2018-06-08 16:07:59 -0400