Winter Holiday Gathering

6:30: Doors Open
7:00: OpenTalk led by Gordon
7:00: 20-Somethings led by Nick
8:15ish: Holiday Social and Open Mic Night!
Actually, we’ll be in the Terrace Room so we won’t really need a mic…and if you like a coffeehouse environment and you’d like to give us a poem or a Holiday story or a song, contact [email protected] to let Sherri know what you’d like to do so she can program the event. This is our Holiday for cheer so be sure to be here!
This will be a dessert buffet potluck social. So please bring a dessert or non-alcoholic beverage, about 6 servings will be enough to spread tidings of good cheer.
  • December 14, 2016 at 6:00pm – 9pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
  • Sherri Rase

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