Just a short time ago, 2019 BC (Before COVID), LGBTQIA+ people celebrated 50 years of silence to celebration when we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, NYC back in 1969. World Pride 2019 was held in NYC and more than 8 million people came in from around the world to join the celebration. Now, in 2023, just a few short years ahead, we are living in a society that would turn back time, in so many ways. Roe v Wade was overturned, the foundation not just of equal reproductive rights for 51% of the population, but the foundation of many of the civil liberties all Americans enjoy. And it was plain to see that Queer people were the next to be targeted. Oh, let's be clear - not so much the Modern Family gays as the trans men and women and people of color whom the so-called Conservatives see as easy targets.
- August 14, 2023 at 6:00pm – 9pm
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
21 Normany Heights Rd
Morristown, NJ 07960
United States
Google map and directions - 3 people are going
Gordon Sauer

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