Wednesday afternoon webinar on suicide prevention with special guest, Bradley L. Jacobs, LCSW, Suicide Prevention Coordinator for the Veterans Administration of East Orange and Lyons Medical Center. This will be a 90-minute workshop with opportunities for extensive Q&A and role playing.
Feelings of loneliness and isolation are worst for people who feel marginalized and isolated, and the winter holiday season, which is right around the corner, can be the worst time of the year for several, intersecting reasons. But, there is hope, and you may someday be called upon to bring that hope. Will you be ready?
VA S.A.V.E. Training will help you act with care and compassion if you encounter someone in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts. The acronym S.A.V.E. helps you remember the important steps involved in suicide prevention: Signs of suicidal thinking should be recognized; Ask the most important question of all; Validate their experience; Encourage treatment and Expedite getting help. In 2019, over 45,000 Americans died by suicide, including 6,261 Veterans. Through this presentation you will gain a general understanding of the scope of suicide within the United States, learn how to identify a Veteran, or any individual, who may be at risk for suicide, and learn what to do when you identify a Veteran at risk. Don’t wait for a crisis. Take a moment today to reach out. You can act now to help prevent suicide later.

- November 10, 2021 at 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Andy Skurna
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