More Ideas Worth Spreading

Doors will open at 6:30, as they do every week.  

At approximately 7:00 PM, three GAAMC volunteers will introduce a TED Talk whose theme and speaker resonate in their lives.  Alice will share something very special about climate change.  Andy has chosen a presentation by a Tazmanian stand-up comic who dares to not always be funny.  To round out the offerings, Sherri's passionate about creating movements.  Let's learn how from her chosen speaker. 

Watch, learn, feel, share, repeat.

Before our next date with TED, learn more about TED here.

  • September 16, 2019 at 7:00pm – 10pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
  • 4 people are going
  • Andy Skurna

Michael Pastor Mark Wydner

Who's RSVPing

Michael Pastor
Mark Wydner

Will you come?

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  • Michael Pastor
    rsvped 2019-09-13 07:18:47 -0400
  • Mark Wydner
    rsvped 2019-09-09 14:54:03 -0400