LGBT Immigration Rights

Our doors will open at 6:30, as they do each week.  Wouldn't it be nice we could open our nation's arms to welcome new LGBT citizens as easily?

At 7:00 PM, Alice will lead an Open Talk discussion.  The topic has not yet been selected, but Alice likes discussing upbeat and positive fare.  Open Talk will begin promptly at 7:00 and end promptly at 8:00, followed by a brief intermission.  

At 8:15 PM:  LGBTQ rights are immigrant rights.  Immigrant rights are LGBTQ rights.

Theresa Markila is a member of, and an activist and organizer for, both of these communities, and will clear up some myths and misunderstandings and talk about why we must work to lift all oppressed groups together. Learn about immigration laws, hear real stories of people who have had to navigate the system in different ways, and understand why fixing the broken immigration policies and ending the divisiveness will benefit all of us.

Learn more about LGBT immigration from this 2013 infographic published by Williams Institute.

  • July 09, 2018 at 7:00pm – 10pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
  • 3 people are going
  • Andy Skurna

Mark Wydner Gordon Sauer Andy Skurna

Who's RSVPing

Mark Wydner
Gordon Sauer
Andy Skurna

Will you come?

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  • Mark Wydner
    rsvped 2018-07-07 12:02:12 -0400
  • Gordon Sauer
    rsvped 2018-06-17 20:43:57 -0400
  • Andy Skurna
    rsvped 2018-06-17 11:15:02 -0400