Our doors will open at 6:30 PM, as we set-up and settle in.
OpenTalk will begin at 7:00 PM, with President Gordon Sauer facilitating.
At approximately 8:15 PM, Gordon and Andy will lead GAAMC's LGBT History Program, which will feature an online LGBT quiz. This quiz will not be your usual, easy-peazy, "How many colors on the Pride flag?" fare. As NJ's longest running LGBT organization, most of us have lived this "history." Our quiz will span the ages, from well before the "Gay Nineties."
Gordon will set up an assortment of GAAMC History items to share, including a photo album with photos from our own "ancient history." He'll have mementos from GAAMC events, press, marches, etc.
After people have a chance to take the quiz and peruse the displays, we will discuss our community's history: the good, the bad, the joyous, that sad, and the history we're still writing.
- October 15, 2018 at 7:00pm – 10pm
- Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
- 1 person is going
Gordon Sauer

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