Join us for our annual Labor Day BBQ Potluck. As is our tradition, WE will supply the burgers, hot dogs, etc. YOU supply side dishes, salads, and desserts.
Tom has agreed to be grillmaster again after he had such a blast doing so on Memorial Day.
This is a potluck. Please bring 6-8 servings of something warm-weather and backyard-suitable. If you let us know what you're bringing, we can tip off others, which usually inspires a more balanced menu for all to enjoy.
Potluck suggestions:
* Cold Salads (coleslaw, macaroni, potato, etc.)
* Watermelon
* Baked Beans
* Cake
* Pie
* Fresh Fruit/salads
Our doors will open at 6:30, as they do each week. Please arrive early enough for us to heat, slice, plate, toss, or otherwise prepare your contributions. If you are able-bodied, it is always fun and helpful to all if you can volunteer to set up tables, chairs, etc.
We will host Open Talk from approximately 7:00 until 8:00, then ring the dinner bell.
- September 03, 2018 at 7:00pm – 10pm
Morristown Unitarian Felllowship
21 Normandy Heights Rd
Morristown, NJ 07960
United States
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Tom Sacco
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