Please join us in welcoming survivor, activist, photographer, motorcyclist, singer, teacher, poet and so much more, Dr. Juanita Kirton to GAAMC. Juanita was kind enough to accept our invitation to help us launch a new LGBTQ+ section in MUF's library, which will be unveiled this evening.
Dr. Juanita Kirton earned MFA from Goddard College (2015) in Creative Writing and Poetry and was the recipient of the Goddard College Spirit Scholarship. Juanita is published in several anthologies including, AVOW (American Veteran Association for Women Magazine), A Journal of Hope and Healing, Caribbean Writer, Chester H. Jones Literary Journal, Clevergirl, Exit 13 Magazine, Dream Quest, Goldfinch Literary Magazine, Mom Egg Review, Narrative, Other Voices, Persimmon Tree, Pink Panther Magazine, Rat’s Ass Online Journal, Sinister Wisdom, Southeast Missouri State Un. Press, Stillwater Review, Stone Canoe, Terra Preta Review, Veterans Voices and WORDPEACE.
Tonight, Juanita will share with us her poetry manuscript, Letters to My Father, published by Finishing Line Press in 2020. This visit was originally planned for 2020, but had to be postponed due to the pandemic shutdown.
Juanita Kirton‘s compelling poetry collection, Letters to My Father, delivers the story of stark betrayals and the important medicine of truth by describing the haunting abuse that so shaped her growing up years. A decided courage brands the language and reveals the mark of the stories that mold and hold her, until her own utterance can re-form and rise. She becomes her own pride, mothers herself and the shame of the young girl recovers in painting the full picture, unafraid of the loss and grief. The child and the poet still carry a capacity for love, and Kirton breaks a barrier—denial and judgment fall before her–and she arrives into hope holding her Black son with tenderness, remembering protection offered by others who acknowledged her needs and how the roots of wholeness shattered in earlier histories can become a different kind of prayer that is strong and righteous, “I still pray for a black sons and fathers.” She takes in the gift of being alive: “Securely she takes the unknown path/ slow motion is not her devotion…”
From “generations of brown sugar blood,” Juanita Kirton is ready to sing alongside “female spiritual warriors/standing in the hard truth of radical justice,” and Kirton declares her pained and joyful utterance with a gentle defiance and pride that feeds her poems and awakens us to the power of her speech.
~Beatrix Gates, author of Dos and In the Open
Copies of Letters to My Father may be ordered directly from the publisher,
Copies of Letter to My Father will also be available for sale and inscription on the night of her visit to GAAMC.
Dr. Juanita Kirton and artist Courtney Natt will be facilitating a workshop from November 4 through November 6, at the Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center, in Bangor, Pennsylvania. This is a women's program titled "Healing the Heart Through Writing and Art."
Write to unravel confusion, to understand, to question, explore feelings, honesty, to heal and break silence. Art guides us to new experiences and engages the present moment to work within. Exploring yourself through your creations and connecting with your emotions.
We invite ALL women to explore their shared hurts and wounds in a safe space. This workshop reminds us that every person has artistic wisdom inside that is asking for an outlet; that in community we can write together to support and encourage this creative release. With this kinship we can connect around healing the individual & social transformation. With our shared words we have the opportunity to acknowledge our beauty and strength.
This is a non-clinical workshop & is open to every level of writing/art; beginners or experienced to provide participants tools to understand their own trauma.
We are grateful for this financially supported program.
For more information or to register visit: Healing the Heart Through Writing and Art
- October 10, 2022 at 6:00pm – 9pm
- Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
- 8 people are going
Andy Skurna

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