The Joys of Aging

Come join us at 6 pm this Monday at GAAMC when, in honor of National Honor our LGBT Elders Day, we’ll be  exploring a topic that is near to us all, be we in our 20’s, 40’s or 70’s—namely, The Joys of Aging. 


In our discussion, we’ll share our thoughts on a number of questions, such as:

     * What do you appreciate about being your age?

     * How have you changed over the years?

     * How has your life as an LGBTQ+ person changed?

     * Name 1 defining event for your generation. How did that event affect you?

     * What are looking forward to in the future?

     * What are your concerns?

     * How can we as LGBTQ+ people support each other now and in the future?



  • May 16, 2022 at 6:00pm – 9pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
  • Gordon Sauer


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  • Andy Skurna
    published this page in Home 2022-05-11 15:05:05 -0400