GAAMC Gives Thanks


Join us for one of GAAMC's favorite and best-attended traditions, our Thanksgiving potluck celebration.

Please bring a side dish or a dessert item (roughly 6-8 servings).  We'll prepare the turkeys and take care of the plates, beverages and other staples.  You add the flavor!  

This year, for the first time, we will have to pull this off without the use of the Fellowship's massive 8-burner stove and double ovens.  So, please adjust your contributions accordingly.  Either plan to bring a dish that can be served cold, or bring it as warm as possible.  We will have a microwave or two, and an induction cooktop or two.  But, most of the heating will rely on steamer trays.  If you need to heat your item(s) in a microwave, please remember to bring them in non-metallic containers that can fit into a microwave oven.

While our dinner is warming in our make-shift kitchen(s), Gordon will lead Open Talk in a heart and soul-warming reflection of the people, places, experiences and things we are thankful for.

Although we do not charge admission, we are wholly self-funded and we do have to pay for essentials such as rent, insurance, hosting this website, etc.  To cover those costs we ask members to donate $5 at the front door each visit, and we ask that non-members donate $7 per visit.  Of course, no one will be turned away for their inability or refusal to make a donation.  

As information for this week's program gets confirmed, this event will be updated with more specific details.  

  • November 20, 2017 at 6:30pm – 9:30pm
  • Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
    21 Normanday Heights Rd
    Morristown, NJ 07960
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Gordon Sauer, VP for Community Services

    (973) 285-1595

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