Everything Valentine's

Our program for Valentine's Day, February 14, includes a history of the day, ancient origins, legends, traditions, including modern celebrations and anti-Valentine prohibitions of countries throughout the world. The origin of the Valentine card including "vinegar" Valentines, the history of the connection to chocolate, and literary references will be discussed. A quiz of famous lovers will be provided. A discussion of personal experiences will follow, how individuals feel about the day, what special celebrations they have enjoyed, what their "perfect" Valentine's Day would consist of. Cupcakes and chocolates will be provided as snacks for the occasion.

Doors will open at 6:00pm. Please remember to wear your mask and maintain social distancing.

  • February 14, 2022 at 6:00pm – 9pm
  • 3 people are going
  • Andy Skurna
Colleen Risavy Leonard Traiman

Who's RSVPing

Colleen Risavy
Leonard Traiman

Will you come?

Showing 3 reactions

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  • Colleen Risavy
    rsvped +1 2022-02-13 17:38:10 -0500
  • Leonard Traiman
    rsvped 2022-02-07 16:52:34 -0500
  • Andy Skurna
    published this page in Home 2022-02-01 14:44:17 -0500